Effective Strategies for IBS Treatment in Minneapolis

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There is hope! Eating for your body’s digestive tract, controlling stress, and improving your diet are all effective strategies for treating IBS.

Improve Your Diet

  • Eat more fiber. Fiber helps to keep your bowels regular, which can be an important part of managing IBS symptoms. Fibrous foods include whole grains such as oats, brown rice and wheat bread; fruits like apples; vegetables such as broccoli and carrots; legumes (beans) such as kidney beans; nuts/seeds like almonds/walnuts/peanuts etc; and psyllium husk powder (a natural fiber supplement).
  • Reduce the amount of sugar you consume. Sugar causes rapid changes in blood sugar levels that may trigger symptoms like gas or bloating for some people with IBS. Avoid sweetened drinks such as soft drinks and fruit juices too – these can also cause diarrhea in some people with IBS because they contain high levels of fructose that irritate the digestive tract wall when consumed regularly over time.* Eat smaller meals more often throughout the day rather than three large meals per day – this helps prevent overeating which could lead to stomach pain later on when food enters into your intestines too quickly.* Eat a diet that is high in plant foods including fruits & vegetables but low in animal products such as meat & dairy products – this will help reduce inflammation throughout your body since many animal products contain saturated fat which has been linked directly with increased risk for breast cancer and heart disease (1).

Eat for Your Body’s Digestive Tract

  • Eat a healthy diet. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet is important for everyone, but particularly those with IBS. One of the main triggers of IBS symptoms is poor digestion caused by food sensitivities or allergies that can be triggered by lactose (the sugar found in dairy products), gluten (a protein found in wheat) and other foods.
  • Avoid foods that contain lactose, gluten and sugar. If you know you’re sensitive to one or more of these ingredients, avoid them as much as possible:
  • Eat small meals throughout the day rather than three large meals per day–this helps keep your digestive tract functioning properly because it gives it time to rest between meals so it doesn’t get too overloaded at once! Stick with foods that are light on fat content; try eating vegetables such as carrots or celery sticks instead of potato chips when munching on something salty during work breaks.* Chew thoroughly before swallowing–this will help keep your body from absorbing too much air into its systems which could cause gas pains later on down the road if not dealt with immediately after eating something bad for us like pizza slices full of cheese sauce!

Stop Eating Food Additives and Preservatives

If you’ve been diagnosed with IBS, it’s important to avoid food additives and preservatives. Food additives are added to foods to improve color, flavor and texture–or even just make something look more appealing. They’re not always bad for you; some can actually be good for your health! For example, an additive called beta-carotene (a natural pigment found in carrots) has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers when eaten regularly. But many additives are unnecessary and may cause adverse reactions like bloating or diarrhea when consumed by sensitive individuals like those suffering from IBS.

Some common examples of food additives include:

  • Preservatives–to prevent spoilage by inhibiting bacterial growth; examples include benzoates and sulfites

Control Stress

Stress is a common trigger for IBS. It can be caused by many factors, such as work, family or relationship problems and financial concerns.

If you’re experiencing stress related to your IBS symptoms, it’s important to take time out for yourself every day. Relaxing activities like meditation, yoga or listening to music can help reduce your stress levels and make it easier for you to cope with your condition. Talking about what’s bothering you with someone close – whether it’s a friend or family member – can also help relieve some of the pressure that comes with living with this condition.*

If relaxation isn’t enough on its own (or if talking through things doesn’t feel right), try doing something enjoyable in place of stressing out over what might happen next: go out dancing on Friday night instead of worrying about making plans; cook something special together as a family on Sunday afternoon rather than stressing over who should take care of which chores when everyone gets home from school/work/playdates etcetera…

Consume Probiotic Foods or Supplements

Probiotics help to balance the bacterial flora in your gut and promote healthy digestive function. Probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut. If you don’t want to eat these foods or can’t find them locally, you can take probiotic supplements instead (check the label for live cultures).

One thing to keep in mind when taking probiotics is that they may not be effective if there is too much bad bacteria present in your intestines because they won’t be able to grow and colonize properly on their own–this means that if you’re taking antibiotics for another condition like acne or sinusitis then your Ibs treatment Minneapolis might not work as well because antibiotics kill off all bacteria including good ones!

Use Food Sensitivities Testing to Identify Possible Allergens and Eliminate Them from Your Diet

Food sensitivities testing is a blood test that can identify food allergies and sensitivities. It’s done by taking a sample of your blood, then sending it to a lab for analysis. The results will tell you which foods may be causing your symptoms.

If you have IBS, this information can be extremely useful for treating your condition: if certain foods are making matters worse for you (like dairy), it might be worth eliminating them from your diet entirely until things improve–and even after that if they continue to cause problems.

There is hope

IBS is not a life sentence. There are many treatments available, and it’s important to find the right one for you. The first step is being honest with yourself about your symptoms and how they affect your quality of life, then finding a doctor who can help guide you through this process.

The good news? There are plenty of ways to manage IBS symptoms so that they don’t interfere with your life or prevent you from living it fully!


We know that IBS can be a debilitating condition, but there is hope. By following the tips above and working closely with your doctor, you can find effective ways to manage your symptoms and live a life free of pain.